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how does colonic machine work

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    how does colonic machine work how does colonic machine work how does colonic machine work how does colonic machine work

    Can a colonic detox your body?

    The colon is distressed with all the burden from our daily consumption habits like excess consumption of animal proteins, processed food, fat, and sugar. Imagine loading your washing machine with very dirty clothes all the time before even waiting for it to finish cleaning. That is how the toxic material ends up re-entering our bloodstream and reducing our bodies capacity to function at an optimum level.

    how does colonic machine work

    libbe colonic device for sale

    How does colonic machine work?

    The colon is the longest part of the large intestine, which is attached to the small intestine at one end and the anus at the other. The role of the colon is to eliminate stool from the body that’s made up of a combination of bacteria, water, unused nutrients, unneeded electrolytes and digested food.

    There are many different methods for performing a colonic machine, which sometimes go under the names colonic, colonic irrigation, colon therapy or colonic hydrotherapy. You can also effectively flush the colon doing something like a juice fast, salt water flush or performing an enema. colonic machine are split into two main categories: one type requires that a professional perform the cleanse, while the other involves using a solution or supplement at home.

    One of the most common reasons someone would have a colonic done by a professional is because he or she is preparing for surgery or a medical procedure (such as colonoscopy) that requires the colon to be completely clear from accumulated waste. On the other hand, cleansing is commonly done at home using an enema, laxatives or herbal supplements (like senna) to relieve constipation, bloating and other digestive symptoms.

    Many colonic machine work by inserting a tube into the rectum followed by large amounts of water, which makes its way through the colon. The water carries out any matter that might be dry and lodged in place. The exact amount of water or other type of liquid that’s used depends on the specific type of colon-cleansing method. Colonics, for example, can use up to 16 gallons (about 60 liters) of water at one time!

    How colonic machine Works-Essentially, fluids are poured through a tube that has been inserted into the rectum.
    The fluid is then released as a normal bowel movement, expelling with it mucus, bacteria, and toxins. The process can be repeated several times and the entire process from start to finish can last up to an hour .

    how does colonic machine work how does colonic machine work how does colonic machine work how does colonic machine work how does colonic machine work how does colonic machine work how does colonic machine work how does colonic machine work

    How to use the Colonic Machine?

    The Patient/Client undresses from the waist down and is properly draped during session. A small colon cleansing nozzle is gently and easily inserted in privacy. Colon cleansing nozzle are ‘size of a pencil’, single use, and disposed of after use.
    Colonic Machinebar2
    Water flows through a Carbon Filter which removes any sediment, rust, or chlorine. The water is purified by an Ultra Violet Purification System, before it passes through the colon cleansing nozzle. Water flows gently into the rectum and waste releases naturally.

    A gentle slow rate of UV purified-temperature safe water is fed from the gravity-fed Column. Less than TEN gallons of water may be used during the session at a safe temperature of 98 F. to 102 F. (36.8ºC to 38.ºC) (Water temperature is safely controlled and adjusted). An Odor Exhaust System insures that the session room and entire center remains odor free. (Odor System is included with the purchase of the Colonic Machine Device)

    Colonic Machine base (table) has over three feet of clear viewing tube, which allows the patient/client and the therapist to easily view (without any odor) the waste during releases.

    A rinsing sprayer is used to rinse bottom after session. Sessions last approximately 45 minutes. Modesty is protected at all times.

    A trained colon hydro therapist is always nearby to monitor and provide patient/client assistance and comfort as needed.

    After each session the Colonic Machine is easily and safely disinfected.

    how does colonic machine work how does colonic machine work

    WHEN ARE colonic machine NEEDED?

    Colonic irrigation is required, or very helpful, in the following situations:

    1. Severe fecal impaction. In these cases, which are not that common, a series of colonic irrigations may be the only way to remove the blockages easily. Laxatives or regular enemas are not as good. This method has saved many lives.

    2. Rare cases of parasites or yeast colonization of the colon. These might take a long time to clear just using coffee enemas and a development program. In these cases, a series of three to five colonic irrigations can greatly speed up the elimination of these organisms from the body. In my experience, this is not that common, but it does occur.

    how does colonic machine work how does colonic machine work

    how does colonic machine work how does colonic machine work

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    MAIKONG - leading global Professional Colonic Machine Supplier, offering competitive prices and excellent quality. If you have any questions regarding Colonic Machine please feel free to contact us.

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