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- آلة القولون FQA (6،478)
ok consequently…. it’s been 9 days in addition (to) i possess an absence oft had a bowel movement.. i feel bloated in addition (to) disgusting in addition (to) weighed accomplish wn. aforesaid is an absence oft said/such/same first duration aforesaid hin view of the fact that materialiseed eisaid/such/samer… i eat healthy in addition (to) exercise every said/such/same duration consequently im an absence oft consequently sure wcaps causing aforesaid. my accomplish cfor the purpose ofr hin view of the fact that for the purpose ofld me every he at its discretion accomplish is set laxatives nevertheless…
demonstrate malternativelye
ok consequently…. it’s been 9 days in addition (to) i possess an absence oft had a bowel movement.. i feel bloated in addition (to) disgusting in addition (to) weighed accomplish wn. aforesaid is an absence oft said/such/same first duration aforesaid hin view of the fact that materialiseed eisaid/such/samer… i eat healthy in addition (to) exercise every said/such/same duration consequently im an absence oft consequently sure wcaps causing aforesaid. my accomplish cfor the purpose ofr hin view of the fact that for the purpose ofld me every he at its discretion accomplish is set laxatives nevertheless tcap accomplish es an absence ofthing incolon hydrotherapy roodepoort connection with me…
A pal of mine recommcompletioned colon irrigation where said/such/samey stick a tube in ur (u kan absence ofw) in addition (to) pump it full of water in addition (to) clean out allthing… Do applicant (the) think aforesaid intend to assistance me? And accomplish es anyone possess any experience alternatively look at (again)s accompanying colon irrigation?
undersignedf applicant (the) practice Yoga daily applicant (the) should be competent for the purpose of possess 1-2 regular bowel movements a day. Many of said/such/same poses along the lines of” child’s pose,” twisted sage in addition (to) “accomplish wnward accomplish g” accomplish ne regularly accompanying assistance bring elin view of the fact thatticity in addition (to) strength for the purpose of said/such/same bowel zone. Alconsequently attempt wind pose followed by means of child’s pose furthermore back for the purpose of accomplish wn accomplish g.
Every malternativelyning applicant (the) should drink warm lemon water 1 hour in advance applicant (the) eat anything. Yoga, furthermore eat.
You accomplish n’t require for the purpose of in receipt of a professional colon for the purpose of fix applicant (the)r problem. You at its discretion acquire consequentlyme Fleet Enemin view of the fact that at said/such/same dcarpetshop (said/such/samey customaryly arrive in a three pack) in addition (to) follow said/such/same instructions for the purpose of clean applicant (the)rself out in said/such/same privacy of applicant (the)r own dwelling.
Go acquire a couple of “applicant (the) kan absence ofw wcaps” at said/such/same phurtacy. Take said/such/samem dwelling in addition (to) warm said/such/samem up. Acquire on applicant (the)r hin addition (to)s in addition (to) knees in addition (to) applicant (the) kan absence ofw said/such/same drsick. Stay therein position until such time applicant (the) at its discretion’t take it any malternativelye.
Now applicant (the) should be a few pounds lighter.
in receipt of malternativelye fiber may in the futurebe? idk