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colonic irrigation equipment suppliers australia

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  • colonic irrigation equipment suppliers australia

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    Macchina Colonica, Macchina colonica di casa
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    colonic irrigation equipment suppliers australia colonic irrigation equipment suppliers australia colonic machine colonic machine colonic machine

    What is the Best colonic irrigation equipment

    If you want to have your colon cleansed, then you should consider getting the MonKon Colonic Machine device open colonic irrigation equipment. This is a treatment that involves inserting a pencil-thin tube into the rectum. Water is pumped through the rectal tube. The water is purified before it is inserted into the tube.

    The flow of the water is controlled by a trained therapist. This treatment stimulates a process called peristalsis, which is the involuntary restriction and relaxation of the muscles.
    Benefits of Using the MonKon Colonic Machine colonic irrigation equipment

    There are many ways reasons that you should get a colon cleanse. While this treatment is not designed to cure any specific medical condition, it can improve your health in a number of ways. Removing toxins from the body can help boost the immune system. When you have a strong immune system, your body will have an easier time fighting off toxins. This treatment can also help alleviate digestive issues, such as constipation and diarrhea.

    Additionally, this treatment can boost your energy. Fatigue is often associated with the build-up of toxins inside of the body. The MonKon Colonic Machine device open colonic irrigation equipment can also help you sleep better at night.

    This treatment is often recommended for people who are preparing for a colonoscopy. Many people prepare for a colonoscopy by getting a chemical laxative. However, this can be inconvenient. Colon hydrotherapy helps cleanse the colon without using any drugs.
    What to Expect

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    colonic irrigation equipment suppliers australia

    This procedure will be performed inside of a private room. The treatment will be administered while you are lying on the table. The therapist will not have to be in the room the entire time you are getting the treatment.
    Do I Need to get a Colon Cleanse on a Regular Basis?

    There are many ways that you can benefit from making the MonKon Colonic Machine colonic irrigation equipment a part of your lifestyle. You can reduce your chances of developing gastrointestinal issues by getting a colon cleanse on a regular basis. You may also be able to reduce your chances of developing other health issues, such as headaches, fatigue, body odor and bad breath.
    Is This Procedure Painful?

    This procedure is not painful for most patients. However, it is normal to have some slight discomfort during this procedure, but that is normal. The discomfort is caused by the colon contracting when it removes the waste. The procedure should be comfortable and relaxing once the impacted waste is removed.


    How colonic irrigation equipment Works

    Essenzialmente, fluidi sò versati attraversu un tubu chì hè statu inseritu in u rettu.

    U fluidu hè dunque liberatu cum'è un muvimentu di l'intestine nurmale, espulsione cù it mucus, batterie, è tocchi. U prucessu pò esse ripetutu parechje volte è tuttu u prucessu da cumincià à finisce pò durà finu à una ora.

    So what are the health benefits of colon cleansing? And is colonic irrigation equipment safe?

    colonic irrigation equipment suppliers australia colonic irrigation equipment suppliers australia colonic irrigation equipment suppliers australia

    colonic irrigation equipment Benefits

    1. It get things moving.


    If you’ve never experienced constipation, count yourself lucky.

    An estimated 4 million individuals in the United States suffer from frequent constipation and an astonishing 900 people die annually from diseases linked to the condition .

    Ideally, you should be going to the bathroom at least once a day. Going a few days without moving your bowels can lead to some seriously unpleasant symptoms like bloating, gas, and weight gain.

    Historically, colon cleanses have long been used as a treatment for constipation. In fact, ancient Egyptians were among the first to pioneer the use of colon cleanses thousands of years ago.

    Evidence suggests that the use of colonic irrigation equipment can help alleviate constipation and get bowels moving .

    This works through two mechanisms: the fluid helps soften stool while the nozzle of the enema works by loosening the rectum, quickly and easily treating constipation.

    2. It helps detoxify the colon.


    Our body does a pretty incredible job at detoxing itself. But over the years, toxins and bacteria can start to build up and take a toll on the body.

    Many toxins that enter our body, regardless of the source, will end up making it all the way to the colon.

    colonic irrigation equipment is a great way to help the colon do its job and remove any harmful bacteria.

    Ridding the body of toxins and waste can help with digestion while promoting the growth of beneficial intestinal flora. Removing lingering toxins can also help improve nutrient absorption and overall health.
    3. It boosts weight loss.


    If weight loss is your goal, colonic irrigation equipment might be what you’re looking for to kickstart the process.

    Colon cleanses work by essentially clearing your colon of all the build-up and stool, so it’s no wonder that you’re going to be shedding a few pounds in the process.

    colonic irrigation equipment can also help with continued weight loss by clearing up constipation, deflating bloat, and increasing nutrient absorption.

    Paired with a high-fiber diet and plenty of hydration, colonic irrigation equipment can be an effective tool in revving up weight loss.
    4. It improves the immune system.


    The intestines are just one of our body’s natural defense systems. In addition to the liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, and lymphatic system, the intestines are responsible for keeping us healthy by excreting dangerous bacteria.

    colonic irrigation equipment helps with this process by pulling out built-up toxins, which helps give our immune systems a boost.
    5. It promotes colon health.

    High-fiber diets have been repeatedly linked to a decreased risk of colon cancer. According to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, the protective effect of fiber can be attributed to its ability to add bulk to the digestive system and shorten the travel time of waste through the colon.

    colonic irrigation equipment performs a similar mechanism by cleaning out the intestines, preventing waste from building up, and speeding up transit time by spurring a bowel movement.

    It also softens stool and makes it easier to pass, keeping the colon clear and blocking the build-up of toxins that can lead to the formation of growths, cysts, and polyps.
    6. It can increase fertility.

    Good colon health improves fertility

    Excess weight can make it harder to get pregnant. Often, overweight and obese women experience hormonal imbalances that can affect menstrual cycles and inhibit ovulation .

    Obese men can also have decreased fertility. This is attributed to the effect of excess weight on hormone and semen production.

    Cleansing the colon helps shed extra pounds and jumpstart weight loss. This can lead to an increase in fertility as well as alleviate problems like polycystic ovarian syndrome that can affect hormone balance.
    7. It maintains pH levels in the blood.

    Acid-forming foods like meat, sugar, refined grains, and processed foods are the most common culprits when it comes to causing blockages in the colon.

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    Not only does this lead to inflammation and a general feeling of fatigue and sluggishness, it can also keep the colon from doing its job.

    If the digestive system isn’t working properly and can’t efficiently remove waste and bacteria, it can cause toxins and bacteria to escape into the bloodstream. This can cause alterations in the pH balance of the blood, leading to a condition called acidosis.

    Common symptoms include drowsiness, headache, confusion, and shortness of breath .
    8. It boosts our digestive system.

    colonic irrigation equipment improves digestion

    Removing built-up toxins and bacteria that may be coating your intestines can help streamline the efficiency of your gastrointestinal tract.

    Cleansing the colon allows for greater nutrient absorption, clearing the path so that your body can get the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients it needs from the foods we eat.

    It also helps to ease the burden on the colon so that it can work even better by removing blockages, relieving constipation, and keeping the GI tract totally clear.


    colonic irrigation equipment suppliers australia

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    Nome d'articuluDATI
    Tensione tensione220v ± 22v
    Frezza50HZ ± 1 hz
    Ambiente corsa/
    Temperatura ambientale10 ℃ ~ 40 ℃
    Umidità relativa30% ~ 75%
    Pressione barometria860hpa ~ 1060HPA
    U tempu di corsa continuu8 ore
    Putenza totale≤1600w
    Flussu di liquidu≥2l / min
    Gamma di temperatura di l'acqua10 ~ 40 ℃℃ ± 2 ℃
    Intervaghjolu0-Andica dati (s)
    Accuratezza d'acqua filtrata1UM
    Machine Rumeno




    Cumu installazione & Operazione Maikong Colon Hydroteraphatia



    Pago di paràgetà di Colu Agriculture

    Pago di paràgetà di Colu Agriculture
    ArticuluNome di pruduttuDimensioneQuantitàSpecificazioneFoto
    1Colon Hydroterapherapiay Machine Chassis High-EndPCS1Shell si fatta di i prati plastichi Abs, chì resistenza à a cournosione chimicu, resistenza di calamari, ilstità ilastità è durezza. A superficia hè dura, sangu da pulisce, è l'apparenza generale è elegicato.Foto di Machine Colon Foto
    2Pompi PeristalticiB08B1Adopt Saint-Gobain imported BPT pump tube, non-cytotoxic and hemolytic, resistant to ozone and UV rays, heat-resistant, ozone-resistant, acid-alkali-resistant, anti-aging and anti-oxidation, long life, operating temperature range -51℃~132℃, high-quality motor, stable "core", stable output, low noise, long life, liquid only contacts the pumpPompi Peristaltici
    3Display LCD21inch1A visualizazione LED usata di alta dimustrata hà alta luminosità, un altu cuntrastu, altuscale è altu di rinfrescante. A visualizazione hè stabile, ripple-free è flicker-gratis, è l'effettu di a visualizazione hè reale è naturale.Display LCD
    4Visualizazione LCD di Operazione15inch1Usa una pantine di tessuti di 15-inch High-Definizione, chì hà i vantaghji di operazione simplice, funziunalità forte, tatte stabile, è toccu sensitivu. Valore intestinale, valore di perfusione, valore di perfusione, visualizazione di u tempu di u tempu di u tempuVisualizazione LCD di Operazione
    5Cisterna di acqua di riscaldamentuSet1Cisterna d'acqua sterile (apparenza ligera, bello). Calefattutu integratu, sicuru. Bona qualità d'acqua, nisuna fuga, impedisce a contaminazione. Bona sealing, senza terra, faciule da pulisceCisterna di acqua di riscaldamentu
    6ControllerPCS1Pacchettu SpecialeController
    7Purificatore d'acquaPCS1L'azzaru inox à 304. Filtrazione di cinque strata, mineralizazione di quattru strati. Precisione alta di filtrazione, a vita longa di serviziu. Resistenza relativamente durabile, fortezza di l'acqua forte. Resistenza più forte à a terra, a corrosione è a contaminazionePurificatore d'acqua
    8Connettate u pipe dolcePCS2Fattu di PVC, hè resistenza in aleratorione, acidu-resistente, cù alta trasparenza è muru liscia, chì ùn hè micca faciule Accumulà chì u trasportu di a Dirt è affettanu u trasportu di a Dirt.Connettate u pipe dolce
    9Cuppa di misurazionePCS1A tazza di vetru hè micca tossicu, altamente trasparente, hà una bona proprietà barrerie, è hà i vantaghji di resistenza di calore, resistenza di pulizia. Pò esse sterilizatu à alta temperature è almacenatu à bassa temperature. Hà una grande capacità di 500ml.Cuppa di misurazione
    10Doccia trè pezzi setset1U mudellu di Steel in Toxit Inox è Ambiente (Zecheng-9313131313131313-resistente à a corrosione, non fading, è resistente à i standards internaziunali di u laboratoriu). Stu pruduttu cumpone cù u GB / T 18145-2014 Standard.Doccia trè pezzi set
    11HONE DI PROSPLOSIONE1,5 m1Adopt Sus304 Hone in L'arotu inox Inox, stile persunalizata, cù una bona resistenza di a corrosione è a resistenza di u caloreHONE DI PROSPLOSIONE
    12Pipa di fossaPCS1Usa un novu masterBatch PVC, chì ùn hè micca faciule d'età è harden, ha un bellu prestimentu di rinforza, rimce in plastica spirali, a forma indegale, ùn mi deforma micca à pressione pusitiva, ùn U muru internu hè liscia è nisuna machja sò lasciati quandu sguassate.Pipa di fossa
    13Linea di u PotenzaPCS1Linea di putenza odm specialeLinea di u Potenza
    14Doccia1 m1I tubi silicone medichi sò fatti di materiale crudu di silicone di alta qualità (A / B) aghjuntu à l'agente di curazione per l'agente, cù l'agente in corsone in alta temperatura cum'è un ausiliare. U tubu di Silicone hè cumplettamente non tossicu è odorless, è hà alta trasparenza, chì hè megliu cà tradiziunale medicaleDoccia
    15BackrestPCS1Suave, duri, resistenti in resistenti in linii linii, liscia, disignu ergonomicuBackrest
    16HOSE ELLEGAMPCS2Fatta di 304 acciaio inoxless, hà una resistenza di ruggine, resistenza à alta temperatura, è a bona resistenza di a corrosione à soluzioni alcaline è acidi più organici è inorganici.HOSE ELLEGAM
    17Manuale d'UsuariuPCS1Colon Hydroterapia UsuariuManuale d'Usuariu
    18Forma di Accettazione di Consegna di ProdottiPCS1Certificatu di ProduttuForma di Accettazione di Consegna di Prodotti
    19CameraPCS1A càmera persunalizata hè dotata di una carta di càmera di un milione di milioni di milioni di milioni, chì presentava satirazione alto, focus, focuso d'equilu, correzione di u bilanciu di u biancu, ID di trasfurmazione di u sonu, è a riduzione di u rumore " aghjustamentu, chì permette à i clienti à più intuitivamente i tossini di i rifiuti excretati da l'intestini.Camera
    20Striscia di lucePCS1Lince Light Let di alta qualità di High-alta qualità, rinfachjendu uniformili, luminosi è naturaliStriscia di luce
    21Valvola angoloPCS1Fatta di 304 acciaio inossidabile, all-rambure, alluntanatu, resistente, prove-prova, a prova di rustica è resistente à corrosione.Valvola angolo
    22RECTUM Tube Silicone Hot di SiliconePCS1RECTUM Tube prodotti salvoilettibili stessi in silicone.RECTUM Tube Silicone Hot di Silicone
    23shorts dispunibuli miccaPCS1shorts disprezzu prodotti cunsulenti di dispusitivi miccashorts dispunibuli micca
    24Senza di u lettu di Hydroterady miccaPCS1Idropoterapia di u lettu di reticu ùn hè micca cunsumabili consumabiliSenza di u lettu di Hydroterady micca
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