Colonic machines, also known as colon hydrotherapy machines or colonic irrigation machines, are becoming increasingly popular among people looking to improve their digestive health. These machines are designed to flush out toxins and waste material from the colon, thereby improving overall health and well-being. This article discusses the history, working principles, advantages, and applications of colonic machines manufactured by leading companies.
The use of colonic machines for therapeutic purposes can be traced back to ancient Greece and Egypt. However, it was only in the 20th century that modern colonic machines were developed. The first colonic machine was invented in the 1920s by Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, a prominent American physician who also invented the cornflake cereal. Today, colonic machines are widely used in hospitals, clinics, and wellness centers across the world.
Colonic machines work on the principle of irrigating the colon with water or other liquids to flush out toxins, waste material, and other harmful substances. The process involves inserting a small, disposable tube into the rectum, which is connected to a machine that regulates the flow of water or other liquids into the colon. The liquid is then expelled through a separate tube, carrying the waste material and toxins out of the body.
1. Improved Digestive Health: Colonic machines help to cleanse the colon, thereby improving digestive health and reducing the risk of constipation, bloating, and other digestive problems.
2. Detoxification: The flushing out of toxins and waste material from the colon helps to detoxify the body, which can lead to improved overall health and well-being.
3. Enhanced Nutrient Absorption: The removal of waste material and toxins from the colon allows for better absorption of nutrients, which can lead to improved energy levels and overall health.
1. The patient is positioned comfortably on the colonic machine.
2. A small, disposable tube is inserted into the rectum.
3. The machine is switched on, and the flow of water or other liquids is regulated.
4. The liquid is expelled through a separate tube, carrying the waste material and toxins out of the body.
5. The process is repeated several times until the desired level of cleansing is achieved.
Colonic machines are suitable for anyone looking to improve their digestive health, detoxify their body, or enhance their overall well-being. They are particularly beneficial for people who suffer from constipation, bloating, and other digestive problems.
1. Hospitals: Colonic machines are widely used in hospitals as a therapeutic tool to cleanse the colon and improve patient health.
2. Wellness Centers: Many wellness centers and spas offer colonic machine sessions as part of their detoxification and cleansing programs.
3. Home Use: Colonic machines are also available for home use, allowing people to cleanse their colon in the comfort and privacy of their own home.
If you are looking for a quick way to clear your bowels, there are a few things you can try. Firstly, you can drink warm water with lemon juice. The acidity of lemon juice stimulates bowel movements. Secondly, you can try a natural laxative such as prunes or figs. Lastly, you can try a gentle abdominal massage to help stimulate your bowels.
The best way to clean out your bowels is through a colon cleanse. There are many different methods of colon cleansing, but the most effective is through a professional colon hydrotherapy session. This involves flushing out the colon with warm water, which helps to remove waste and toxins.
If you are interested in a colon cleanse, there are a few things you should know. Firstly, you should always consult with a healthcare professional before attempting any type of colon cleanse. Secondly, there are different types of colon cleanses available, including herbal supplements, enemas, and colon hydrotherapy. Lastly, it is important to follow a healthy diet and lifestyle to maintain the benefits of a colon cleanse.
Colon cleanse pills work by using natural ingredients to help promote bowel movements and eliminate waste from the colon. They typically contain fiber, herbs, and enzymes that help to stimulate the digestive system. However, it is important to be cautious when using colon cleanse pills, as they can cause side effects such as diarrhea and dehydration.
A cleanse is a process that helps to remove toxins from the body. It can involve a variety of methods, including fasting, juicing, and colon cleansing. The purpose of a cleanse is to improve overall health and wellbeing.
Colon hydrotherapy, also known as colon cleansing or colonic irrigation, is a procedure that involves flushing out the colon with water in order to remove buildup and waste that may be lodged in the digestive system. The procedure is used to improve overall health and well-being.
Colon hydrotherapy can be performed by a number of health professionals, including naturopathic doctors, chiropractors, and certified colon hydrotherapists. It is important to seek out a qualified and experienced practitioner to ensure a safe and effective treatment.
There are a number of ways to clear out the stomach, including colon hydrotherapy, dietary changes, and supplements. To improve digestive health, it is important to eat a healthy diet that is rich in fiber and probiotics, drink plenty of water, and engage in regular exercise.
There are many different colon cleanses that can be used for weight loss, including herbal supplements, enemas, and colon hydrotherapy. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any weight loss program to ensure safety and effectiveness.
A typical colon hydrotherapy session lasts between 45-60 minutes. During the session, a small tube is inserted into the rectum and warm water is slowly introduced into the colon. The therapist will then manipulate the abdomen to help release any waste material.
A colonic procedure is another term for colon hydrotherapy. It involves using water to flush out the colon in order to remove waste and promote better digestive health. The procedure is typically performed in a clinical setting by a qualified practitioner.
We are a professional colon hydrotherapy machine manufacturer and can provide global delivery. If you are interested in becoming a local distributor or reseller, please contact us at or WhatsApp at +86135.1090.74.01.
Nome d'articulu | DATI |
Potenza | / |
Tensione tensione | 220v ± 22v |
Frezza | 50HZ ± 1 hz |
Ambiente corsa | / |
Temperatura ambientale | 10 ℃ ~ 40 ℃ |
Umidità relativa | 30% ~ 75% |
Pressione barometria | 860hpa ~ 1060HPA |
U tempu di corsa continuu | 8 ore |
Putenza totale | ≤1600w |
Flussu di liquidu | ≥2l / min |
Gamma di temperatura di l'acqua | 10 ~ 40 ℃℃ ± 2 ℃ |
Intervaghjolu | 0-Andica dati (s) |
Accuratezza d'acqua filtrata | 1UM |
Machine Rumeno | ≤65db |
Cumu installazione & Operazione Maikong Colon Hydroteraphatia
Pago di paràgetà di Colu Agriculture | |||||
Articulu | Nome di pruduttu | Dimensione | Quantità | Specificazione | Foto |
1 | Colon Hydroterapherapiay Machine Chassis High-End | PCS | 1 | Shell si fatta di i prati plastichi Abs, chì resistenza à a cournosione chimicu, resistenza di calamari, ilstità ilastità è durezza. A superficia hè dura, sangu da pulisce, è l'apparenza generale è elegicato. | ![]() |
2 | Pompi Peristaltici | B08B | 1 | Adopt Saint-Gobain imported BPT pump tube, non-cytotoxic and hemolytic, resistant to ozone and UV rays, heat-resistant, ozone-resistant, acid-alkali-resistant, anti-aging and anti-oxidation, long life, operating temperature range -51℃~132℃, high-quality motor, stable "core", stable output, low noise, long life, liquid only contacts the pump | ![]() |
3 | Display LCD | 21inch | 1 | A visualizazione LED usata di alta dimustrata hà alta luminosità, un altu cuntrastu, altuscale è altu di rinfrescante. A visualizazione hè stabile, ripple-free è flicker-gratis, è l'effettu di a visualizazione hè reale è naturale. | ![]() |
4 | Visualizazione LCD di Operazione | 15inch | 1 | Usa una pantine di tessuti di 15-inch High-Definizione, chì hà i vantaghji di operazione simplice, funziunalità forte, tatte stabile, è toccu sensitivu. Valore intestinale, valore di perfusione, valore di perfusione, visualizazione di u tempu di u tempu di u tempu | ![]() |
5 | Cisterna di acqua di riscaldamentu | Set | 1 | Cisterna d'acqua sterile (apparenza ligera, bello). Calefattutu integratu, sicuru. Bona qualità d'acqua, nisuna fuga, impedisce a contaminazione. Bona sealing, senza terra, faciule da pulisce | ![]() |
6 | Controller | PCS | 1 | Pacchettu Speciale | ![]() |
7 | Purificatore d'acqua | PCS | 1 | L'azzaru inox à 304. Filtrazione di cinque strata, mineralizazione di quattru strati. Precisione alta di filtrazione, a vita longa di serviziu. Resistenza relativamente durabile, fortezza di l'acqua forte. Resistenza più forte à a terra, a corrosione è a contaminazione | ![]() |
8 | Connettate u pipe dolce | PCS | 2 | Fattu di PVC, hè resistenza in aleratorione, acidu-resistente, cù alta trasparenza è muru liscia, chì ùn hè micca faciule Accumulà chì u trasportu di a Dirt è affettanu u trasportu di a Dirt. | ![]() |
9 | Cuppa di misurazione | PCS | 1 | A tazza di vetru hè micca tossicu, altamente trasparente, hà una bona proprietà barrerie, è hà i vantaghji di resistenza di calore, resistenza di pulizia. Pò esse sterilizatu à alta temperature è almacenatu à bassa temperature. Hà una grande capacità di 500ml. | ![]() |
10 | Doccia trè pezzi set | set | 1 | U mudellu di Steel in Toxit Inox è Ambiente (Zecheng-9313131313131313-resistente à a corrosione, non fading, è resistente à i standards internaziunali di u laboratoriu). Stu pruduttu cumpone cù u GB / T 18145-2014 Standard. | ![]() |
11 | HONE DI PROSPLOSIONE | 1,5 m | 1 | Adopt Sus304 Hone in L'arotu inox Inox, stile persunalizata, cù una bona resistenza di a corrosione è a resistenza di u calore | ![]() |
12 | Pipa di fossa | PCS | 1 | Usa un novu masterBatch PVC, chì ùn hè micca faciule d'età è harden, ha un bellu prestimentu di rinforza, rimce in plastica spirali, a forma indegale, ùn mi deforma micca à pressione pusitiva, ùn U muru internu hè liscia è nisuna machja sò lasciati quandu sguassate. | ![]() |
13 | Linea di u Potenza | PCS | 1 | Linea di putenza odm speciale | ![]() |
14 | Doccia | 1 m | 1 | I tubi silicone medichi sò fatti di materiale crudu di silicone di alta qualità (A / B) aghjuntu à l'agente di curazione per l'agente, cù l'agente in corsone in alta temperatura cum'è un ausiliare. U tubu di Silicone hè cumplettamente non tossicu è odorless, è hà alta trasparenza, chì hè megliu cà tradiziunale medicale | ![]() |
15 | Backrest | PCS | 1 | Suave, duri, resistenti in resistenti in linii linii, liscia, disignu ergonomicu | ![]() |
16 | HOSE ELLEGAM | PCS | 2 | Fatta di 304 acciaio inoxless, hà una resistenza di ruggine, resistenza à alta temperatura, è a bona resistenza di a corrosione à soluzioni alcaline è acidi più organici è inorganici. | ![]() |
17 | Manuale d'Usuariu | PCS | 1 | Colon Hydroterapia Usuariu | ![]() |
18 | Forma di Accettazione di Consegna di Prodotti | PCS | 1 | Certificatu di Produttu | ![]() |
19 | Camera | PCS | 1 | A càmera persunalizata hè dotata di una carta di càmera di un milione di milioni di milioni di milioni, chì presentava satirazione alto, focus, focuso d'equilu, correzione di u bilanciu di u biancu, ID di trasfurmazione di u sonu, è a riduzione di u rumore " aghjustamentu, chì permette à i clienti à più intuitivamente i tossini di i rifiuti excretati da l'intestini. | ![]() |
20 | Striscia di luce | PCS | 1 | Lince Light Let di alta qualità di High-alta qualità, rinfachjendu uniformili, luminosi è naturali | ![]() |
21 | Valvola angolo | PCS | 1 | Fatta di 304 acciaio inossidabile, all-rambure, alluntanatu, resistente, prove-prova, a prova di rustica è resistente à corrosione. | ![]() |
22 | RECTUM Tube Silicone Hot di Silicone | PCS | 1 | RECTUM Tube prodotti salvoilettibili stessi in silicone. | ![]() |
23 | shorts dispunibuli micca | PCS | 1 | shorts disprezzu prodotti cunsulenti di dispusitivi micca | ![]() |
24 | Senza di u lettu di Hydroterady micca | PCS | 1 | Idropoterapia di u lettu di reticu ùn hè micca cunsumabili consumabili | ![]() |