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Dotolo Colonic Machine For Sale

» Apparecchiatura per l'idroterapia di u colon » Dotolo Colonic Machine For Sale
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    What is a Dotolo Colonic Machine?

    Dotolo Colonic Machine For Sale

    Colonic hydrotherapy, also known as colon cleansing, uses filtered water to thoroughly cleanse the colon and eliminate toxins from the body. It has the ability to improve constipation, correct diarrhea, regulate intestinal flora imbalance, and prevent bowel cancer. It also has cosmetic, skincare, weight loss and endocrine disorder regulating properties.

    Colonic hydrotherapy is widely used in hospitals, clinics and beauty clubs in the United States and Europe. It is becoming a popular beauty and detoxification method and is considered one of the hottest natural remedies for keeping the colon and body healthy.


    How does the Dotolo Colonic Machine work?

    Working Principle

    The colonic medical equipment first filters tap water through a mineralization filter, mineralizing it into small molecules of active water, while adding a variety of trace elements needed by the human body.

    After passing through a thermostatic heating device, the mineral water is heated to about 37°C (close to the constant temperature of the body, and finally, a hot spring is attached that will easily enter the intestinal head)

    After the substance is diluted and dissolved, it can stimulate the intestinal peristalsis through water at the same time, so that the waste (toxins) can be quickly discharged from the body, and finally achieve ecological balance in the body, its ecological characteristics of natural features, is a kind of treatment, rehabilitation, health care and health maintenance in one of the green balance therapy.

    Dotolo Colonic Machine For Sale

    Product advantages

    Colonic Rehydration: Colonic Medicine uses the mineral warm water to increase the lubrication of the intestines and stimulate bowel movements to produce a bowel reflex.

    Detoxify and beautify your face: Colon medical devices are used to cleanse the intestines. Fermentation products and other harmful substances in feces are quickly eliminated from the body, resulting in a healthier intestinal tract and healthier skin.

    Symptoms such as dryness, discoloration, dullness and acne will disappear naturally.

    Slimming and toning: colon medicine therapy can help with weight loss by regulating the internal environment of the digestive system to balance metabolism. On the other hand, it can complete a colon cleanse

    Avoid forced absorption of the small intestine, which has a major impact on weight loss in the waist and abdomen.

    Blood cleansing: the cleansing of toxins from the intestines effectively improves the cleanliness of the peripheral blood. Relying on the circulatory system, toxins are gradually removed from the blood and the blood is reduced

    Stress, blood lipids, blood acid, blood sugar all have a positive effect.

    Enhance immunity: remove toxins from the body, effectively reduce the burden of liver detoxification, rely on the human body self-balancing system to delay human aging, repair the human body imbalance, and enhance the human body’s self-defense ability to repair the initiative.

    Dotolo Colonic Machine For Sale

    colonic irrigation benefits and risks

    Product Features

    The automatic control device is highly confidential and can be operated by the user without the presence of other people.

    2.Full touch operation and dual screen display.

    3. disposable rectal catheter ensures disposable use and immediate destruction, avoiding the risk of cross-infection.

    4. scientifically researched functional hydrotherapy bed with free release at the bottom of the drainage basin, convenient, comfortable, painless, non-leaking and odorless.

    5, low voltage operation, double hydraulic regulation, temperature warning by computer control, safer for the human body.

    6. Add a separate dosing device to meet the requirements of intestinal cleanliness after retaining enema.

    Dotolo Colonic Machine For Sale

    Dotolo Colonic Machine, 3 parts

    Colonic Irrigation Machine Operator Panel

    1. Fully automatic control of the entire working process of the colon hydrotherapy device
    Built-in patient information management system to store, check and print.
    3. Play casual music and videos to keep patients relaxed throughout the process.

    The machine can also be used to irrigate the colon.
    Colonic irrigation machine

    1.Comfortable hydrotherapy bed for patients to lie down and have a good time.
    2. Clean the colon and remove the fluid and waste from the patient’s colon.
    3. Inject a thermostatic solution to care for the colon.

    Colonic irrigation machine exhaust system

    A professional exhaust system that emits the odor of colonic waste throughout the treatment process, creating a clean and comfortable environment


    How do I use the Dotolo Colonic Machine?

    Patients/service users are undressed from the waist down and properly clothed during the procedure. Gently and easily insert a small colon cleansing nozzle for private use. The colon cleansing nozzle ispencil sizedand is disposable and discarded after use.
    Colonic cleansing wand 2
    The water flows through a carbon filter which removes any sediment, rust or chlorine. Before the water passes through the colon cleansing nozzle, it is purified by an ultraviolet purification system. The water flows warmly and gently into the rectum and the waste is released naturally.

    From the gravity feed tower, the water is slowly fed with a slow UV purification temperature safety water. During this time, less than 10 gallons of water (safely controlled and regulated water temperature) can be used at a safe temperature of 98 to 102 degrees Fahrenheit (36.8ºC to 38.ºC). An odor exhaust system ensures that the conference room and the entire center remain odor-free. (Odor system included with purchase of Dotolo Colonic Machine equipment)

    The Dotolo Colonic Machine base (table) has over three feet of clear viewing tube, allowing the patient/servant and therapist to easily view the waste from the release process (no odor).

    Rinse the bottom with a rinse spray after flushing. Sessions last approximately 45 minutes. Modesty is always protected.

    A trained colon hydrotherapist is always nearby to monitor and provide patient/client assistance and comfort as needed.

    The colon machine can be easily, safely sterilized at the end of each session.

    Dotolo Colonic Machine For Sale

    Dotolo Colonic Machine FAQ

    1.What else is a colon hydrotherapy device called?

    Colon hydrotherapy devices may also be referred to as colon, colon flush, high enema and colonic therapy.

    2. How do I know that colon hydrotherapy is good for me?
    We believe that everyone can benefit from colon hydrotherapy. Today, our diets consist primarily of refined, processed foods that are high in saturated fat and low in fiber. Eating these foods, overeating, neglecting elimination, stress and the urge to take medications can all lead to poor colon health. The colon has the highest concentration of bacteria in the human body. Waste that is allowed to stagnate alters the ratio of friendly to unfriendly bacteria, thus disrupting the microbial balance that is vital to colon and body health. Symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating or gastrointestinal pain may alert you to colonic discomfort.

    Will colon hydrotherapy cleanse the entire colon?

    It depends on the person and the person. If you eat a healthy diet and have a bowel movement after each meal, it is possible to reach the beginning of the colon. However, if you do not have regular bowel movements and eat an unhealthy diet, it may take several attempts to dislodge the solids from the walls of the colon.

    4.How many parts are included including the colonic hydrotherapy device?
    The colon hydrotherapy unit includes a host and control system, a software control system, a pure water treatment system, and a deodorization system.

    Dotolo Colonic Machine For Sale

    Dotolo Colonic Machine why?

    Get rid of constipation: The colon hydrotherapy system will dissolve and dilute the affected stool and stimulate natural bowel function. Removal of affected faeces and toxins: The colon hydrotherapy system physically removes affected faeces and toxins, thus reducing the risk ofautointoxication”.

    Not only are there residues of digested food, but also many toxins such as ammonia which can cause hepatic coma, hydrogen sulfide which affects the nervous system, methylindole which causes cancer, botulinum toxin, brown toxic alkaloids, benzene, formic acid, butyric acid and many more. As we age, feces and toxins gradually accumulate in the body.

    While they worsen blood pressure, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and other symptoms, they are absorbed into the blood system by the intestinal mucosa and can cause damage to organs as well as digestive problems and skin problems. The accumulation of affected feces in the colon over time is an important cause of colorectal cancer.

    Gynecological and skin disinfection: colon hydrotherapy systems (except comfort models) have an ozone generator that produces ozonated water to disinfect harmful bacteria. In addition to removing superficial skin bacteria, they can be used to kill harmful bacteria that may cause gynaecological inflammation and can therefore be used to treat vulvar inflammation.

    Dotolo Colonic Machine For Sale

    Dotolo Colonic Machine For Sale

    Dotolo Colonic Machine For Sale

    Dotolo Colonic Machine For Sale

    Dotolo Colonic Machine For Sale

    Dotolo Colonic Machine For Sale

    Nome d'articuluDATI
    Tensione tensione220v ± 22v
    Frezza50HZ ± 1 hz
    Ambiente corsa/
    Temperatura ambientale10 ℃ ~ 40 ℃
    Umidità relativa30% ~ 75%
    Pressione barometria860hpa ~ 1060HPA
    U tempu di corsa continuu8 ore
    Putenza totale≤1600w
    Flussu di liquidu≥2l / min
    Gamma di temperatura di l'acqua10 ~ 40 ℃℃ ± 2 ℃
    Intervaghjolu0-Andica dati (s)
    Accuratezza d'acqua filtrata1UM
    Machine Rumeno




    Cumu installazione & Operazione Maikong Colon Hydroteraphatia



    Pago di paràgetà di Colu Agriculture

    Pago di paràgetà di Colu Agriculture
    ArticuluNome di pruduttuDimensioneQuantitàSpecificazioneFoto
    1Colon Hydroterapherapiay Machine Chassis High-EndPCS1Shell si fatta di i prati plastichi Abs, chì resistenza à a cournosione chimicu, resistenza di calamari, ilstità ilastità è durezza. A superficia hè dura, sangu da pulisce, è l'apparenza generale è elegicato.Foto di Machine Colon Foto
    2Pompi PeristalticiB08B1Adopt Saint-Gobain imported BPT pump tube, non-cytotoxic and hemolytic, resistant to ozone and UV rays, heat-resistant, ozone-resistant, acid-alkali-resistant, anti-aging and anti-oxidation, long life, operating temperature range -51℃~132℃, high-quality motor, stable "core", stable output, low noise, long life, liquid only contacts the pumpPompi Peristaltici
    3Display LCD21inch1A visualizazione LED usata di alta dimustrata hà alta luminosità, un altu cuntrastu, altuscale è altu di rinfrescante. A visualizazione hè stabile, ripple-free è flicker-gratis, è l'effettu di a visualizazione hè reale è naturale.Display LCD
    4Visualizazione LCD di Operazione15inch1Usa una pantine di tessuti di 15-inch High-Definizione, chì hà i vantaghji di operazione simplice, funziunalità forte, tatte stabile, è toccu sensitivu. Valore intestinale, valore di perfusione, valore di perfusione, visualizazione di u tempu di u tempu di u tempuVisualizazione LCD di Operazione
    5Cisterna di acqua di riscaldamentuSet1Cisterna d'acqua sterile (apparenza ligera, bello). Calefattutu integratu, sicuru. Bona qualità d'acqua, nisuna fuga, impedisce a contaminazione. Bona sealing, senza terra, faciule da pulisceCisterna di acqua di riscaldamentu
    6ControllerPCS1Pacchettu SpecialeController
    7Purificatore d'acquaPCS1L'azzaru inox à 304. Filtrazione di cinque strata, mineralizazione di quattru strati. Precisione alta di filtrazione, a vita longa di serviziu. Resistenza relativamente durabile, fortezza di l'acqua forte. Resistenza più forte à a terra, a corrosione è a contaminazionePurificatore d'acqua
    8Connettate u pipe dolcePCS2Fattu di PVC, hè resistenza in aleratorione, acidu-resistente, cù alta trasparenza è muru liscia, chì ùn hè micca faciule Accumulà chì u trasportu di a Dirt è affettanu u trasportu di a Dirt.Connettate u pipe dolce
    9Cuppa di misurazionePCS1A tazza di vetru hè micca tossicu, altamente trasparente, hà una bona proprietà barrerie, è hà i vantaghji di resistenza di calore, resistenza di pulizia. Pò esse sterilizatu à alta temperature è almacenatu à bassa temperature. Hà una grande capacità di 500ml.Cuppa di misurazione
    10Doccia trè pezzi setset1U mudellu di Steel in Toxit Inox è Ambiente (Zecheng-9313131313131313-resistente à a corrosione, non fading, è resistente à i standards internaziunali di u laboratoriu). Stu pruduttu cumpone cù u GB / T 18145-2014 Standard.Doccia trè pezzi set
    11HONE DI PROSPLOSIONE1,5 m1Adopt Sus304 Hone in L'arotu inox Inox, stile persunalizata, cù una bona resistenza di a corrosione è a resistenza di u caloreHONE DI PROSPLOSIONE
    12Pipa di fossaPCS1Usa un novu masterBatch PVC, chì ùn hè micca faciule d'età è harden, ha un bellu prestimentu di rinforza, rimce in plastica spirali, a forma indegale, ùn mi deforma micca à pressione pusitiva, ùn U muru internu hè liscia è nisuna machja sò lasciati quandu sguassate.Pipa di fossa
    13Linea di u PotenzaPCS1Linea di putenza odm specialeLinea di u Potenza
    14Doccia1 m1I tubi silicone medichi sò fatti di materiale crudu di silicone di alta qualità (A / B) aghjuntu à l'agente di curazione per l'agente, cù l'agente in corsone in alta temperatura cum'è un ausiliare. U tubu di Silicone hè cumplettamente non tossicu è odorless, è hà alta trasparenza, chì hè megliu cà tradiziunale medicaleDoccia
    15BackrestPCS1Suave, duri, resistenti in resistenti in linii linii, liscia, disignu ergonomicuBackrest
    16HOSE ELLEGAMPCS2Fatta di 304 acciaio inoxless, hà una resistenza di ruggine, resistenza à alta temperatura, è a bona resistenza di a corrosione à soluzioni alcaline è acidi più organici è inorganici.HOSE ELLEGAM
    17Manuale d'UsuariuPCS1Colon Hydroterapia UsuariuManuale d'Usuariu
    18Forma di Accettazione di Consegna di ProdottiPCS1Certificatu di ProduttuForma di Accettazione di Consegna di Prodotti
    19CameraPCS1A càmera persunalizata hè dotata di una carta di càmera di un milione di milioni di milioni di milioni, chì presentava satirazione alto, focus, focuso d'equilu, correzione di u bilanciu di u biancu, ID di trasfurmazione di u sonu, è a riduzione di u rumore " aghjustamentu, chì permette à i clienti à più intuitivamente i tossini di i rifiuti excretati da l'intestini.Camera
    20Striscia di lucePCS1Lince Light Let di alta qualità di High-alta qualità, rinfachjendu uniformili, luminosi è naturaliStriscia di luce
    21Valvola angoloPCS1Fatta di 304 acciaio inossidabile, all-rambure, alluntanatu, resistente, prove-prova, a prova di rustica è resistente à corrosione.Valvola angolo
    22RECTUM Tube Silicone Hot di SiliconePCS1RECTUM Tube prodotti salvoilettibili stessi in silicone.RECTUM Tube Silicone Hot di Silicone
    23shorts dispunibuli miccaPCS1shorts disprezzu prodotti cunsulenti di dispusitivi miccashorts dispunibuli micca
    24Senza di u lettu di Hydroterady miccaPCS1Idropoterapia di u lettu di reticu ùn hè micca cunsumabili consumabiliSenza di u lettu di Hydroterady micca
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