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equipment for colonic irrigation

» Macchina Colonica » equipment for colonic irrigation
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    equipment for colonic irrigation equipment for colonic irrigation equipment for colonic irrigation

    Equipment for colonic irrigation (COLON CLEANSING)

    What is Equipment for colonic irrigation?-Self-administered colon cleansing is recommended for people who have constipation and need periodic cleaning.

    How is Equipment for colonic irrigation applied?
    Equipment for colonic irrigation provides an effective way to clean your colon (large intestine) without the help of a nurse.

    The duration of the session is approximately 30-40 minutes, but we recommend planning for approximately 1 hour for your first session.

    equipment for colonic irrigation

    portable colonic irrigation machine

    colonic hydrotherapy equipment cost

    How can Equipment for colonic irrigation help with detoxification?
    Equipment for colonic irrigation helps like one of the major functions of the large intestine, which is the last stop before feces leave your body, it absorbs minerals and water.With the Equipment for colonic irrigation, it is possible to cleanse the entire length of the colon during a professionally administered session.

    What are the proven benefits of Equipment for colonic irrigation?
    Many studies have shown that when contact between the feces and the colon surface is prolonged, more toxic and inflammatory chemicals are produced that can increase the risk of certain conditions, including diverticulitis and cancer.

    How many sessions are recommended?
    The recommended program is once every three months for healthy people, once a month for disease prevention, and more frequent sessions for those who suffer from problems like constipation. During your detox program, it is administered daily and included in the price.

    Who should not have Equipment for colonic irrigation?
    If you have a concern about your health or the appropriateness of colon hydrotherapy for you, you should consult your physician or licensed healthcare practitioner. Contraindications for the use of the Equipment for colonic irrigation include, but may not be limited to: recent colon, rectal or abdominal surgery, congestive heart failure, intestinal perforations, carcinoma of the rectum, fissures or fistula, severe hemorrhoids, abdominal hernia, renal insufficiency, first or last trimester of pregnancy and cirrhosis of the liver.

    equipment for colonic irrigation

    How Equipment for colonic irrigation work?

    The Equipment for colonic irrigation MK ® Colon Hydrotherapy System is a very simple, safe, comfortable, and hygienic way to irrigate the colon for endoscopic, radiological, or other medical purposes. The following sequence of events briefly describes the colon irrigation procedure.

    The tank is filled with hot and cold water controlled by a water mixing valve on the basin right topside. The proper temperature of the water falls between 99 -103 degrees Fahrenheit and is monitored by the temperature gauge visible on the front of the tower cabinet. If at any time the water rises above 103 degrees Fahrenheit, the temperature sensor will trigger the flow valve to shut off, stopping water flow to the client.

    After the client has comfortably positioned himself on the basin (with the pillow and cushioned backrest in place) and inserted the nozzle into the rectum, water flow can be activated by turning ON the FLOW switch. Water flow can be stopped at any time by simply turning the FLOW switch OFF. The tank line to the basin nipple has a backflow prevention valve as a permanent plumbing safety feature. It is located underneath the fiberglass basin and is connected directly to the basin nipple through an opening in the basin wall. It prevents water from flowing back into the line once it has passed through the basin nipple into the nozzle and into the client’s rectum.

    equipment for colonic irrigation

    The System utilizes the controlled pressure created by gravity as water exits the elevated tank in the tower cabinet as activated by the FLOW switch. The procedure can be stopped at any time by simply turning off the FLOW switch to stop the gravity-fed stream of water or by the person simply sliding back off the nozzle and resting on the basin.

    A typical colon hydrotherapy session lasts approximately 30-40 minutes and uses approximately 10 gallons of water, which is the total volume capacity of the main tank. Usually, only one tank full of water is needed. At the end of the session, all three switches (U.V., CYCLE, FLOW) are turned OFF and the client slides back off the nozzle so that it naturally drops away from his body.
    The client can now drain comfortably on the ergonomic basin, sitting up erect or leaning back in a lounge position to fully drain her colon. After this is done, the client can rinse himself using the personal shower sprayer and its control valve located on the basin left topside. Tempered water is delivered to the sprayer by the same water mixing valve on the right topside of the basin that also sends water to the System tank. The client can then towel herself dry before dressing and leaving the privacy of the colon irrigation room.


    Can a Equipment for colonic irrigation your body?

    The colon is distressed with all the burden from our daily consumption habits like excess consumption of animal proteins, processed food, fat, and sugar. Imagine loading your washing machine with very dirty clothes all the time before even waiting for it to finish cleaning. That is how the toxic material ends up re-entering our bloodstream and reducing our bodies capacity to function at an optimum level.

    equipment for colonic irrigation

    Colon Hydrotherapy and its clinical applications

    Colon irrigation may help greatly in enhancing the ability to absorb many vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids

    In our medical clinic we find colonic irrigations are one of the most important treatment modalities available for a multitude of health problems. Many health authorities feel that disease begins in the colon. To be in optimum health the colon must be functioning normally. I believe that the colon is one of the most neglected areas in the medical establishment. One of the major indications for colon hydrotherapy is constipation. Before discussing the effects of constipation, I will first give a description of how a colonic irrigation is carried out (some technical aspects about the colonic machine) and what some of the benefits would be from such a treatment.
    The usual colonic treatment lasts 45 minutes. A small speculum is inserted into the patient’s rectum. This speculum is then attached to a plastic hose which connects to the colonic machine. The colonic therapist then adjusts the volume and temperature of the water coming out of the machine which runs through a plastic hose into the patient’s rectum and through the entire colon. The patient is temporarily filled with a certain volume of water to individual tolerance. This will induce peristaltic contractions in the colon, and the patient will begin to expel fecal matter through the colonic hose which leads back to the colonic machine and through a clear plastic viewing tube. It is quite interesting to see what is expelled during a normal colonic treatment. One may see mucous, parasites and very old feculent material (noted by its dark black color) pass through this tube. This old feculent material may have been lying in the patient’s colon for years. It looks like vulcanized rubber and has that kind of consistency. In addition, the patient may experience sensations of warmth due to the presence of toxins is the feculent matter.
    While the patient is receiving the colonic treatment, the colonic therapist slightly massages various parts of the abdomen to help loosen and dislodge areas of fecal impaction. It is very important that the therapist use proper amounts of water. If the therapist uses too much water, the treatment may be uncomfortable or painful and may lead to negative results. If this therapy is conducted properly, it should not be painful or uncomfortable. In addition, when less rather than more water is used, the patient’s colon is forced to do more work, which is an important first step in restoring normal peristaltic activity to the diseased colon.
    It should be noted that most patients need a series of colonic irrigations, not just one. The patients may expel considerable gas during the first few treatments. It usually takes a few treatments before one starts dislodging old encrusted feculent matter. One should remember that it usually takes years for the colon to become clogged up with its own waste products. Therefore, one should not be impatient when pursuing a therapeutic course of colonic irrigations.

    X equipment for colonic irrigation




    Nome d'articuluDATI
    Tensione tensione220v ± 22v
    Frezza50HZ ± 1 hz
    Ambiente corsa/
    Temperatura ambientale10 ℃ ~ 40 ℃
    Umidità relativa30% ~ 75%
    Pressione barometria860hpa ~ 1060HPA
    U tempu di corsa continuu8 ore
    Putenza totale≤1600w
    Flussu di liquidu≥2l / min
    Gamma di temperatura di l'acqua10 ~ 40 ℃℃ ± 2 ℃
    Intervaghjolu0-Andica dati (s)
    Accuratezza d'acqua filtrata1UM
    Machine Rumeno




    Cumu installazione & Operazione Maikong Colon Hydroteraphatia



    Pago di paràgetà di Colu Agriculture

    Pago di paràgetà di Colu Agriculture
    ArticuluNome di pruduttuDimensioneQuantitàSpecificazioneFoto
    1Colon Hydroterapherapiay Machine Chassis High-EndPCS1Shell si fatta di i prati plastichi Abs, chì resistenza à a cournosione chimicu, resistenza di calamari, ilstità ilastità è durezza. A superficia hè dura, sangu da pulisce, è l'apparenza generale è elegicato.Foto di Machine Colon Foto
    2Pompi PeristalticiB08B1Adopt Saint-Gobain imported BPT pump tube, non-cytotoxic and hemolytic, resistant to ozone and UV rays, heat-resistant, ozone-resistant, acid-alkali-resistant, anti-aging and anti-oxidation, long life, operating temperature range -51℃~132℃, high-quality motor, stable "core", stable output, low noise, long life, liquid only contacts the pumpPompi Peristaltici
    3Display LCD21inch1A visualizazione LED usata di alta dimustrata hà alta luminosità, un altu cuntrastu, altuscale è altu di rinfrescante. A visualizazione hè stabile, ripple-free è flicker-gratis, è l'effettu di a visualizazione hè reale è naturale.Display LCD
    4Visualizazione LCD di Operazione15inch1Usa una pantine di tessuti di 15-inch High-Definizione, chì hà i vantaghji di operazione simplice, funziunalità forte, tatte stabile, è toccu sensitivu. Valore intestinale, valore di perfusione, valore di perfusione, visualizazione di u tempu di u tempu di u tempuVisualizazione LCD di Operazione
    5Cisterna di acqua di riscaldamentuSet1Cisterna d'acqua sterile (apparenza ligera, bello). Calefattutu integratu, sicuru. Bona qualità d'acqua, nisuna fuga, impedisce a contaminazione. Bona sealing, senza terra, faciule da pulisceCisterna di acqua di riscaldamentu
    6ControllerPCS1Pacchettu SpecialeController
    7Purificatore d'acquaPCS1L'azzaru inox à 304. Filtrazione di cinque strata, mineralizazione di quattru strati. Precisione alta di filtrazione, a vita longa di serviziu. Resistenza relativamente durabile, fortezza di l'acqua forte. Resistenza più forte à a terra, a corrosione è a contaminazionePurificatore d'acqua
    8Connettate u pipe dolcePCS2Fattu di PVC, hè resistenza in aleratorione, acidu-resistente, cù alta trasparenza è muru liscia, chì ùn hè micca faciule Accumulà chì u trasportu di a Dirt è affettanu u trasportu di a Dirt.Connettate u pipe dolce
    9Cuppa di misurazionePCS1A tazza di vetru hè micca tossicu, altamente trasparente, hà una bona proprietà barrerie, è hà i vantaghji di resistenza di calore, resistenza di pulizia. Pò esse sterilizatu à alta temperature è almacenatu à bassa temperature. Hà una grande capacità di 500ml.Cuppa di misurazione
    10Doccia trè pezzi setset1U mudellu di Steel in Toxit Inox è Ambiente (Zecheng-9313131313131313-resistente à a corrosione, non fading, è resistente à i standards internaziunali di u laboratoriu). Stu pruduttu cumpone cù u GB / T 18145-2014 Standard.Doccia trè pezzi set
    11HONE DI PROSPLOSIONE1,5 m1Adopt Sus304 Hone in L'arotu inox Inox, stile persunalizata, cù una bona resistenza di a corrosione è a resistenza di u caloreHONE DI PROSPLOSIONE
    12Pipa di fossaPCS1Usa un novu masterBatch PVC, chì ùn hè micca faciule d'età è harden, ha un bellu prestimentu di rinforza, rimce in plastica spirali, a forma indegale, ùn mi deforma micca à pressione pusitiva, ùn U muru internu hè liscia è nisuna machja sò lasciati quandu sguassate.Pipa di fossa
    13Linea di u PotenzaPCS1Linea di putenza odm specialeLinea di u Potenza
    14Doccia1 m1I tubi silicone medichi sò fatti di materiale crudu di silicone di alta qualità (A / B) aghjuntu à l'agente di curazione per l'agente, cù l'agente in corsone in alta temperatura cum'è un ausiliare. U tubu di Silicone hè cumplettamente non tossicu è odorless, è hà alta trasparenza, chì hè megliu cà tradiziunale medicaleDoccia
    15BackrestPCS1Suave, duri, resistenti in resistenti in linii linii, liscia, disignu ergonomicuBackrest
    16HOSE ELLEGAMPCS2Fatta di 304 acciaio inoxless, hà una resistenza di ruggine, resistenza à alta temperatura, è a bona resistenza di a corrosione à soluzioni alcaline è acidi più organici è inorganici.HOSE ELLEGAM
    17Manuale d'UsuariuPCS1Colon Hydroterapia UsuariuManuale d'Usuariu
    18Forma di Accettazione di Consegna di ProdottiPCS1Certificatu di ProduttuForma di Accettazione di Consegna di Prodotti
    19CameraPCS1A càmera persunalizata hè dotata di una carta di càmera di un milione di milioni di milioni di milioni, chì presentava satirazione alto, focus, focuso d'equilu, correzione di u bilanciu di u biancu, ID di trasfurmazione di u sonu, è a riduzione di u rumore " aghjustamentu, chì permette à i clienti à più intuitivamente i tossini di i rifiuti excretati da l'intestini.Camera
    20Striscia di lucePCS1Lince Light Let di alta qualità di High-alta qualità, rinfachjendu uniformili, luminosi è naturaliStriscia di luce
    21Valvola angoloPCS1Fatta di 304 acciaio inossidabile, all-rambure, alluntanatu, resistente, prove-prova, a prova di rustica è resistente à corrosione.Valvola angolo
    22RECTUM Tube Silicone Hot di SiliconePCS1RECTUM Tube prodotti salvoilettibili stessi in silicone.RECTUM Tube Silicone Hot di Silicone
    23shorts dispunibuli miccaPCS1shorts disprezzu prodotti cunsulenti di dispusitivi miccashorts dispunibuli micca
    24Senza di u lettu di Hydroterady miccaPCS1Idropoterapia di u lettu di reticu ùn hè micca cunsumabili consumabiliSenza di u lettu di Hydroterady micca
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    Maikong - Leading Caronic Propiccier Professional di Machine Propertier, offre prezzi di pretiscia è qualità eccellente. Sì avete qualchissia dumande in quantu à a macchina colonica, sentite liberu di cuntattateci.

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