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colon hydrotherapy equipment price india Here Quick Way to Get

» Geräte für die Colon-Hydro-Therapie » colon hydrotherapy equipment price india Here Quick Way to Get
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    What is the Best Colon hydrotherapy equipment?

    colon hydrotherapy equipment price india colon hydrotherapy equipment price india

    Colonic History

    Historians tell us that the practice of Colon Hydrotherapy, or in its basic form; Enema, was first used by the Egyptians. The Ebers Paprus, of the 14th Century B.C., and the Edwin Smith Paprus (c. 1700 BC.,) both mention enemas and give directions for the use of the enema.

    By the late 19th Century and early 20th Century, with the advent of rubber and plastic the enema slowly gave way to strict FDA standards and safety in colon hydrotherapy equipment.

    Dr. Kellogg reported in the 1917 Journal of American Medicine that utilized cleansing of the bowels, diet and of course exercise as a popular treatment.

    Colon Hydrotherapy eventually gained the attention of James A. Wiltsie, M.D., Who contended that “our knowledge of the normal and abnormal physiology of the Colon, and its pathology and management, has not kept pace with that of many Organs and Systems of the body.”

    In 1995, Tiller Mind Body Inc. completed the registration and license process with the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration). Pre market notification and received a letter allowing the distributing of the LIBBE Device. Tiller Mind Body Inc. manufactures medical devices under strict quality management system and strives to meet the regulations of a quality management system.

    If you want to have your colon cleansed, then you should consider getting the MonKon Colon hydrotherapy equipment device open Colon hydrotherapy equipment. This is a treatment that involves inserting a pencil-thin tube into the rectum. Water is pumped through the rectal tube. The water is purified before it is inserted into the tube.

    The flow of the water is controlled by a trained therapist. This treatment stimulates a process called peristalsis, which is the involuntary restriction and relaxation of the muscles.
    Benefits of Using the MonKon Colon hydrotherapy equipment Colon hydrotherapy equipment

    There are many ways reasons that you should get a colon cleanse. While this treatment is not designed to cure any specific medical condition, it can improve your health in a number of ways. Removing toxins from the body can help boost the immune system. When you have a strong immune system, your body will have an easier time fighting off toxins. This treatment can also help alleviate digestive issues, such as constipation and diarrhea.

    colon hydrotherapy equipment price india Here Quick Way to Get

    Colon cleanse with a machine is what and how working?

    Additionally, this treatment can boost your energy. Fatigue is often associated with the build-up of toxins inside of the body. The MonKon Colon hydrotherapy equipment device open Colon hydrotherapy equipment can also help you sleep better at night.

    This treatment is often recommended for people who are preparing for a colonoscopy. Many people prepare for a colonoscopy by getting a chemical laxative. However, this can be inconvenient. Colon hydrotherapy helps cleanse the colon without using any drugs.
    What to Expect

    This procedure will be performed inside of a private room. The treatment will be administered while you are lying on the table. The therapist will not have to be in the room the entire time you are getting the treatment.
    Do I Need to get a Colon Cleanse on a Regular Basis?

    There are many ways that you can benefit from making the MonKon Colon hydrotherapy equipment Colon hydrotherapy equipment a part of your lifestyle. You can reduce your chances of developing gastrointestinal issues by getting a colon cleanse on a regular basis. You may also be able to reduce your chances of developing other health issues, such as headaches, fatigue, body odor and bad breath.
    Is This Procedure Painful?

    This procedure is not painful for most patients. However, it is normal to have some slight discomfort during this procedure, but that is normal. The discomfort is caused by the colon contracting when it removes the waste. The procedure should be comfortable and relaxing once the impacted waste is removed.

    Colon hydrotherapy equipment Colon Cleansing Machine, also known as colonic irrigation, is often practiced as a form of alternative medicine. The procedure commonly involved the use ofColonic Irrigation Systems, which are medical devices originally intended for bowel preparation before radiological or endoscopic procedures.

    When using the machine, client lies down on the hydrotherapy bed relaxed and the filtered constant temperature water will be pumped through the rectum via a tube. Fluids and waste are expelled through another tube.

    colon hydrotherapy equipment price india


    Work Principle of Colon hydrotherapy equipment?

    When the weakly alkaline water that has been purified enters the intestinal tract, the weak alkaline reacts with the acidic substance to balance the acid and alkali of the human body, changes the living environment of the harmful bacteria, excreting toxins, and softening under water immersion. And with the water out of the body.Essentially, fluids are poured through a tube that has been inserted into the rectum.
    The fluid is then released as a normal bowel movement, expelling with it mucus, bacteria, and toxins. The process can be repeated several times and the entire process from start to finish can last up to an hour .

    Highest Safety Standards CE Approved Colon Hydrotherapy Removing Toxin Colon Hydrotherapy Device,The procedure of insertion catheter of colon hydrotherapy machine

    Colon hydrotherapy equipment Application

    Colon Hydrotherapy is the natural evolution of the enema, it can reduce weight , prolong life, increase metabolism, improve sleep and gastrointestinal function, which is popular in Nobility for thousands of years.In morden time, the need of eliminate sub-health is a big subject in our life and work. MK Colon hydrotherapy equipment, with a mineralizing and filtering device, tap water will be mineralized and filtered in to micromolecule active water, which can add microelement into water that human body needs. After filtering, the mineral water will be heated into 37℃ with a heating device. Then the water will be infused into human’s colon with a attached hydrotherapy head. The water will attenuation and dissolve the waste in the colon. Meanwhile the water will stimulate the intestinal tract to wriggle and the waste mixture will be excreted out of body. Finally this can create ecological balance in the human body. The natural and ecological feature is a new type of treatment which consists of therapy, recovery and good health.

    colon hydrotherapy equipment price india colon hydrotherapy equipment price india

    Colon hydrotherapy equipment price india Here Quick Way to Get

    We are offer Top brand Newest Colon hydrotherapy equipment manufacturer,We can offer OEM Colon hydrotherapy equipment and software services. We sale the colon hydrotherapy equipment to india,and Offer best factory price.Please Contact now!

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