Fabricant et fournisseur professionnel de machine d'hydrothérapie du côlon de machine colique professionnelle
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colonic equipment for home use

» Machine à côlon à domicile » colonic equipment for home use
    • Specifications

    What is a Colonic Equipment For Home Use?

    colonic equipment for home use

    Our intestines process 100 tons of food and 40,000 liters of liquid over the course of 70 years. That means about 15 pounds of fecal deposits and toxic waste accumulate in the stomach, which contaminates our blood and does irreparable damage to the body.
    When the intestines are not clean, they show many symptoms such as constipation, metabolic abnormalities, diabetes, excessive or inadequate weight gain, kidney and liver disease, hearing and vision problems, skin, hair and nail problems and other diseases from arthritis to cancer.

    The colon hydrotherapy system uses non-invasive methods to provide safe and comfortable treatments that are easy to operate. All the user has to do is hold the hydrotherapy nozzle and place it gently on the anus and the treated purified water with constant temperature and pressure will flow from the anus into the colon. Shortly after water enters the colon, a lubricating layer is formed between the intestinal wall and the feces; the affected feces and toxins are then excreted through natural excretory mechanisms that break down the affected feces and promote peristalsis in the colon. The process allows for fast and thorough defecation. It is completely painless, non-toxic and has no side effects.

    colonic equipment for home use

    In addition, the ozone generator in the system provides ozonated water for gynecological and skin disinfection.

    (1) Significant effect
    You will have a smooth bowel movement soon after use
    (2) No interference, no harm
    It differs from traditional invasive colonic irrigation therapy. It prevents damage to the sphincter muscle and greatly improves safety and comfort during use
    (3) Intelligent control, easy to operate
    One-click control of the entire spa process; large screen; no need for other people’s help.
    (4) Multiple protection, safety and comfort
    Fast water preheating: a constant water pressure at the set temperature will be reached in 10-20 seconds.
    Pressure control is within safe limits: abnormal pressure will cause an alarm and the equipment will stop working immediately.
    100% water and electricity isolation: innovative barrier walls and flatbed alloy heaters prevent any risk of electricity leakage.

    colonic equipment for home use

    How does a Colonic Equipment For Home Use work?

    The colon hydrotherapy machine uses a non-invasive method to provide safe and comfortable treatment with easy operation. The user simply holds the circular hydrotherapy nozzle and gently places it on the anus, and the treated pure water with constant temperature and pressure flows from the anus into the colon.

    Shortly after water enters the colon, a lubricating layer is formed between the intestinal wall and the feces; the affected feces and toxins are then excreted through natural excretory mechanisms that break down the affected feces and promote peristalsis in the colon.

    The process allows for fast and thorough defecation. It is completely painless, non-toxic and has no side effects. In addition, the ozone generator in the system provides ozonated water for gynecological and skin disinfection.


    Features of the Colonic Equipment For Home Use.

    1. With drawers and cabinets
    2. Reliable and safe operation
    3. Completely closed system
    4. Built-in disinfection system
    5. Water pressure regulator
    6. Pipelines with connections
    7. Pressure and temperature control with safety features
    8. Accurate, adjustable temperature control and shut-off valve

    colonic equipment for home use

    colonic equipment for home use

    colonic equipment for home use

    Who can’t use a Colonic Equipment For Home Use?

    Various acute abdominal disorders (acute abdominal pain).
    Gastrointestinal bleeding (including fecal bleeding).
    Perforation of the bowel, colorectal cancer.
    Anal, rectal infectious diseases.
    Pregnant women, during menstruation.
    Stroke, paralysis; severe heart, lung dysfunction.
    Patients with extreme weakness.
    Infants and young children.
    Psychiatric disorders; hypertensive aneurysms.
    Dehydration, electrolyte imbalance.
    Diarrhoea; severe anaemia.
    Fecal incontinence; big colon;
    and others who are not suitable for clean bowel hydrotherapy.

    colonic equipment for home use

    colon hydrotherapy in delhi ncr

    Who can benefit from a Colonic Equipment For Home Use?

    Liver and kidney disease
    chronic gastroenteritis
    abnormal blood pressure
    High concentration of uric acid
    Fear of cancer.
    Gynecological diseases
    Chasing a Healthy Fashion
    Fatigue, fatigue.
    prolonged insomnia
    Tension and irritability.
    A desire for health, longevity and beauty.

    colonic equipment for home use

    colonic equipment for home use

    colonic equipment for home use

    colonic equipment for home use

    Contactez-nous en ligne via WhtsApp :

    MAIKONG - premier fournisseur mondial de machines professionnelles pour le côlon, offrant des prix compétitifs et une excellente qualité. Si vous avez des questions concernant Colonic Machine, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.

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