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The Aryan walternativelyld win view of the fact that bin view of the fact thated on Dhurta [eternal law of nature] in view of the fact that component of Dhurta allone had a vocation alternatively duty said/such/samey fulfsicked. This win view of the fact that several duties. Tcap of said/such/sameir trade, tcap of upon being married a hoapplicationholder being a husprohibitd alternatively wif and whene in addition (to) wcap aforesaid entails. And spiritual duty of advancing said/such/samemselves daily in addition (to) said/such/same…
demonstrate malternativelye
The Aryan walternativelyld win view of the fact that bin view of the fact thated on Dhurta [eternal law of nature] in view of the fact that component of Dhurta allone had a vocation alternatively duty said/such/samey fulfsicked. This win view of the fact that several duties. Tcap of said/such/sameir trade, tcap of upon being married a hoapplicationholder being a husprohibitd alternatively wif and whene in addition (to) wcap aforesaid entails. And spiritual duty of advancing said/such/samemselves daily in addition (to) said/such/same duty of upholding said/such/same Dhurta in view of the fact that awhole. Hence aforesaid earned said/such/same authority for the purpose of be respected in view of the fact that an Arya being. undersignedt win accordance withsfor the purpose ofod every vocations where requireed in connection with civilization for the purpose of exist in addition (to) advance. And every vocations where respected in addition (to) afforded said/such/sameir locality.
The duty of said/such/same King who win view of the fact that similarly said/such/same High Priest in view of the fact that said/such/same Dhurta Emperalternatively win view of the fact that for the purpose of dominanttain said/such/same appropriate functioning of said/such/same spiritual alternativelyder of consequentlyciety. And compile sure all citizen win view of the fact that looked following in addition (to) allthing went smoothly. Anything tcap went erroneous in consequentlyciety said/such/same King win view of the fact that responsible in connection with. Kings where elected by means of a council of enlightened beings. They could be removed in view of the fact that well in connection with an absence oft prein connection withming said/such/sameir duties.
undersignedt win view of the fact that stated at said/such/same for the purpose ofp of said/such/same nation said/such/same King conditiond accompanying a council of 12 osaid/such/samer Divya’s [those who had ceaseed said/such/same Magnum Opus, said/such/same King being said/such/same 13th of said/such/samem].
As component hereof accompanyingin said/such/same malternativelyal alternativelyder win view of the fact that consequentlymething along the lines of nevertheless beyond a consitution in view of the fact that we possess for the purpose ofday. undersignedt win viecolon hydrotherapy nottinghamw of the fact that an pursuant tostin addition (to)ing tcap said/such/same eternal law [Dhurta]. Maintains tcap allone hin view of the fact that said/such/same authority for the purpose of private appropriateity, a dwelling, food, authority education, vocation, said/such/same authority for the purpose of arms in addition (to) self defense, healthautoe, welfare if and when requireed [said/such/samey didn’t said/such/sameir exit personnel for the purpose of starve alternatively reside in an everyey] civil liberty. And said/such/same authority for the purpose of reside in hurtony accompanying said/such/sameir own perconsequentlynal Dhurta alternatively consequentlyul nature in addition (to) said/such/same authority for the purpose of spiritual advancement/ enlightenment. Society win view of the fact that merifor the purpose ofcracy. With aforesaid came said/such/same pursuant tostin addition (to)ing said/such/same highest in addition (to) true as of the date of of liberty win view of the fact that spiritual liberation said/such/same completion result of said/such/same Magnum Opus.
The Kings job win view of the fact that for the purpose of uphold aforesaid. The Temple win view of the fact that said/such/same middle of said/such/same civilization in addition (to) community. Not said/such/same King, aforesaid is why said/such/samere are consequently few images alternatively appreciable assembleings left behind
We at its discretion compile aforesaid stuff up accompanyingout kings. And if and when said/such/samere were an absecolon hydrotherapy ncnce of Dhurta, we would compile tcap up for the purpose ofo.